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About Me

The mission
of harmony

I believe that we are all highly creative, powerful beings, capable of things unimaginable when we unfold into our true essence. So, fellow creators,  imagineers,  and dreamers, students of Planet Earth…

We each have a unique path to walk while we are here. We have a story to create: our very own Hero’s Journey. And when we walk this path, we are walking the path of harmony. To get there requires a different kind of compass. It is a shift in our perspective of how we see the world and navigate through it. Rather than a linear path, it is a spiral, and it’s through the wisdom of the body, the breath, our imagination and our dreams that we are guided, rather than limited to the container of the mind. To get there requires that we expand the present moment little by little, by listening, feeling, and sensing the unique worlds within and without until the two become one and we see clearly through our own eyes.

It is then, we are in tune with our soul essence, our one and only unique chord, our vibration that we entered this world with. When we are in harmony with ourselves, we create harmony around us just by being, and inspire those around us without words, to find the path of harmony in themselves.It is then, we create the most incredible symphony together. Like the great gathering of swallows creating masterpieces in the sky.

This is my personal mission in all that I do and create. The mission of harmony.

My journey

All I ever really knew was what I loved, and this became my golden compass.  I held on dearly to the experiences that made me feel that I could fly- the feeling of playing music with others, singing in harmony, dancing, sitting quietly in nature, spending time with animals and star gazing.

My deep love of animals led me first to study Science in the pursuit of becoming a veterinarian. After working in a genetics lab, a pig farm, and a veterinarian clinic, I began to realize this wasn’t how I pictured working with animals. I was interested in a deeper connection with their soul. Eye gazing with a cow and cuddling with pigs in the mud. To re-connect our animal selves with theirs once again. So, I began to dive into animal communication, and often wrote my music in collaboration with these quiet voices. 

Throughout my life I wanted to master in everything in the arts. Choosing one focus has always been a challenge. And if you’re reading this and feel the same- there is aterm for this which made me feel better: “multipotentialite!” 

I eventually chose classical ballet and piano; movement and music. I quickly left the genetics lab and pursued my dance career. I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Ryerson University’s professional dance program in Toronto, and continued my contemporary ballet career in Canada, Denmark and New York. This led to coaching and teaching various movement practices- in barre, pilates, dance and fitness classes,  and choreographing for  dance on film. I was simultaneously pursuing my music career, and started a band called “The Willows” in Toronto. A three-part vocal harmony jazz-pop band. Right in line with my mission of harmony. As the songwriter and arranger, I found my complete adoration in writing and arranging music.The feeling of weaving one melody within three voices, the sense of one voice in three was my greatest joy. After 7 years of wonderful experiences, touring across Canada, playing Jazz Festivals in North America, Russia and Cuba, creating and releasing music, the next pull was to expand the horizons with my music and compositions. I auditioned for Berklee College of Music and completed my Masters of Music in Performance and Production there in 2020. I began releasing my solo music under the name ABØN, meaning (in half Danish /half Canadian, as my roots) “A prayer”. My prayer of, for and to harmony.

Along the way, I have been in constant study and fascination with the energetic world and healing arts.  The healing power of sound, breathwork, herbal alchemy, the voice, imagination, touch and movement.  I prefer using the term alchemy instead of healing, but just so it is understood by all, I am referring to the work of unfolding into our highest creative selves, of bringing the pieces of us together to fulfill our own vibratory structure to its most beautiful and natural alignment. There is nothing broken about any of us, just the parts of us that we learn to alchemize to gold.

I have gathered many tools from various certifications and trainings- sound therapy, breathwork facilitation, movement, voice analysis and activation and more. In my work with sound therapy, experimenting with many different instruments, forks, bowls, etc, I have found that our voice is our most powerful alchemical tool.  Through my training in breathwork, I have experienced the immense power of our own air. The truth is, we are our own, greatest medicine. We have all the tools, wisdom, and answers that we need, right inside of us. It is my prayer that through my offerings, you re-connect to the powerful, wild, harmonious creative being that you are. 

I am currently producing, recording, and releasing my music as well as other artists projects,  teaching movement and music classes, and holding breathwork and sound journeys. I am passionate about working one on one with people who wish to unleash the magic and medicine of their own voice. 

I would like to close with one of my favorite quotes, from the movie “Interstellar”

“Love is the one thing we’re capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can’t understand it”

A beautiful way of saying, follow your wise and powerful heart ❤️