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Vocal Awakening

Your voice is the only one of its kind. It is the expression of your soul’s essence. We each have a unique sound signature, carefully and beautifully designed. It is time to unblock this portal of your voice and let your song be heard!

The work will consist of vocal toning practices, vocal technique, improvisation techniques, and tools to develop ease in singing and sharing your voice with confidence in front of others. 

  • Private sessions only
  • Each session is 1 hour
  • Online or in person
Price per session is $100

Voice Analysis

Your voice is the most powerful sound healing tool for you out there. Your voice contains the keys to well-being, creativity, and liberation. Through voice analysis we find the key frequencies in our voice to activate our fullest potential. Your voice tells a unique story, and our vocal tones reveal the state of our physical, 
emotional and spiritual bodies.

We will be working with the frequencies of the voice, toning frequencies that are weak or not present, to bring harmony back to the body. These frequencies will be measured and detected using a voice spectral analyzer. 

  • Private sessions only
  • Eachsession is 1 hour
  • Online or in person

Price per session is $150


Everything is energy. Everything is a vibration. And just like strings of a cello, we need to tune ourselves up occasionally, so we can best contribute to the grand symphony of life around us. It is my mission in everything I do to create harmony. Through music, movement, and now, the breath. And when we prioritize this tuning of our human vessels, the harmony we can create together, is incredibly beautiful. Breathwork is a powerful ‘tuning tool’ that we always have access to. Our air is our medicine. Emotions are perhaps one of the most common forms of energy that get stuck in the body, as we have not fully learned to be with them, accept them, love them and let them go. Holding on to emotion creates tension and stuck energy in the body, and through the breath, we can set this energy free.
Our emotions are there for us to feel, they are little gifts waiting to be opened, and it is time that we shift our perspective of how we see and understand our own emotions. To be emotional,
sensitive and colourful.

This breathwork moves an incredible amount of life force energy through the body. It opens our heart space, increases focus, and creativity, strengthens intuition, presence, energy levels, our immune system, rewires our nervous system and so, so much more. 
The breathwork journeys will begin with vocal toning, movement, an hour of circular, conscious, connected breathing, and finish with integrative sound therapy.


Group – $40

Prices for a private session

Prices for a couples session


Movement / Barre

We have one body, one temple, and it is up to only us to take care of it. Strong body equals a strong mind. Our incredible body holds a kind of wisdom and intelligence that the mind alone cannot access. It works in multi-dimensional, circular ways, mysterious and powerful. We must open ourselves to listen, surrender and to receive its wisdom. Through movement and exercise, we reconnect ourselves to this portal of divine intelligence that is our body.

Taking care of the physical body is much more than fitness, and through my classes it is my hope to find a deeper place of connection and love for our bodies, feeling the joy of movement, while at the same time increasing your strength and flexibility. Everything is interconnected- your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. When we take care of one, we take care of 
the others.

I am a former professional ballet and contemporary dancer, certified group and personal fitness instructor, certified Barre instructor, and have been teaching barre fitness classes in Toronto and Denmark for 12 years.

Prices for a private class
Online or
in person $100

Group class prices 

*Barre and Bowls group
$40 Traditional barre class with 30 minutes of sound therapy



Unfolding your creativity and imagination through song. This is a month-long intensive course, designed to open up your creative flow, your voice, open your imagination, strengthen your intuition and connect to the joy of self-expression.

We will work with guided meditations, journal prompts, movement, and vocal toning to open up to our highest creative self, and write from the deepest, most centered place in our heart.

Private sessions
I will work with you 1:1 once a week, a total of 4 , 1 hour sessions.
By the end of the month you will have a song (or more) finished that you can take with you as your greatest medicine, from the voice of your soul.

Small group (up to 4 people)
We will meet once a week for a month. Each session will be 1.5 hours. Group sessions provide extra practice in stepping into our fears and vulnerabilities in sharing our voices- which provide enormous breakthroughs in life, not only around singing.

Individual course: $500
Group course: $250

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy synchronizes brain waves to achieve profound states of relaxation, helping to restore the normal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies and to return to a state of health and harmony. 

My practice is intuitive depending on the vibrational state of the person I am working with. I use a combination of Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, tuning forks, vocal toning and music that I compose and produce depending on the needs of the individual.

  • Private or couples session
  • Each session is 1 hour
  • Only in person

Price for a private session: $150
Price for a couples session: $200

Group: $40

Tuning Up

6-week program designed to connect you back to the unique instrument that is your body. 

Discover your sound. Find your essence. Experience your medicine. Developing a deeper state of presence. Presence IS essence. 

Each 2 hour session will include:

30-minute embodied movement practice
1-hour breathwork practice
15-minute vocal toning exercise
15-minute sharing 

*These sessions can be online or in person

This package is for you if:

  • You’re feeling stuck in life
  • Something just ‘feels off’
  • You’re feeling out of touch with your essence
  • You feel disconnected to your body
  • You are looking for clarity in your life
  • You feel there is something deeper in you that wants to be explored
  • You’re curious

Create Your Crescendo

8-week program designed to deepen your connection to your voice, and to begin using your instrument as you move through the creative process. Breaking through limiting beliefs, writer’s block, and opening up to your imagination and the flow that is constantly within you.

Each 2 hour session will include:

  • Voice analysis
  • Vocal awakening
  • Song writing 

*read more below for details


Week 1: 

Your voice will be recorded and analyzed with a spectrum analyser, and we will find the missing / weaker tones in your voice which are ‘prescribed’ to you to bring the voice and body into harmony and wholeness. 

1-hour Voice analysis session,
1-hour Toning practices, vocal warmups

Week 2-8

We begin each session with movement and breathwork to come into a deeper state of presence, followed by toning, vocal exercises and writing prompts. You will be given different exercises and prompts in writing and creating melody each week, using all the tones in your voice, especially bringing the weaker ones forwards and integrating them. Getting in touch with your beautiful, wild imagination again.

15-minute movement- get into the body, ground
15-minute breathwork and meditation
15-minute toning 
30-minute vocal exercise
20-minute writing prompts
20-minute melody prompts

This is for you if:

  • You are an active musician looking for renewed inspiration 
  • You are curious about song and creativity, and want to sing!
  • You want to get in touch with music on a deeper level
  • You want to reconnect to your imagination and creative side 
  • You are a songwriter and feel creatively stuck

Through our work together you will

  • Find renewed inspiration to create
  • Feel an aliveness in your imagination
  • Empower yourself to know that you can move beyond your perceived limitations
  • Connect to a child-like wonder and joy of creation
  • Reignite your passion and curiosity

The Alchemy of Harmony

A 12-week program designed to support you in unfolding/blooming into your full essence and creative expression. To remove any blocks around using your voice authentically. To bring the body, mind, and spirit into a deep state of inner harmony.

Each 2-hour session will include:

  • Embodied movement
  • Breathwork
  • Voice analysis
  • Vocal awakening
  • Song writing 
  • Song production
  • Demo of your own medicine song

The Alchemy of Harmony – “the process of transforming discordant or disparate elements or ideas into a harmonious whole, creating a cohesive and balanced result. “

“Blending different elements or ideas to create a new and improved whole, with the resulting harmony being greater than the sum of its parts”

Through our work together you will:

  • Create and record your own ‘medicine’ song
  • Leave with a produced recording of your song
  • Feel more authentic in your ability to express yourself
  • Feel more confident and connected to your voice
  • You will feel empowered to know you have all the answers within
  • Find renewed inspiration to create
  • Feel an aliveness in your imagination
  • Empower yourself to know that you can move beyond your perceived limitations
  • Connect to a child-like wonder and joy of creation
  • Reignite your passion and curiosity

This package is for you if:

  • You’re feeling stuck, lost, and feel ready to leave something big behind
  • You’re committed to doing the work of growing out of limitations
  • You want to create and write songs but haven’t explored this yet
  • You want to get in touch with music and your voice on a deeper level
  • You want to learn to sing from an authentic place
  • You are an active musician looking for renewed inspiration 
  • You want to reconnect to your imagination and creative side 


We begin each session with movement and breathwork to come into a deeper state of presence, followed by toning, vocal exercises, and writing prompts. You will be given different exercises and prompts in writing and creating a melody each week, using all the tones in your voice, especially bringing the weaker ones forward and integrating them. Getting in touch with your beautiful, wild imagination again.

Week 1: 

Your voice will be recorded and analyzed with a spectrum analyzer, and we will find the missing / weaker tones in your voice which are ‘prescribed’ to you to tone daily, to bring the voice and body into harmony and wholeness. 

30-min movement and breathwork introduction
1-hour Voice analysis session (read below),
30-min Toning practices, vocal warmups

Weeks 2-6

Movement, breathwork, toning, vocal exercises

15-min movement

1-hour Breathwork session
45-min Toning, Vocal exercises, Writing prompts

Weeks 6-10

Movement, breathwork, vocal exercises, and songwriting

15-min movement
30-min breathwork
20-min vocal exercises
50-min creation; songwriting, melody, lyrics, song structure

Weeks 10-12

Movement, breathwork, vocal work, Song production

15-min movement 
30-min breathwork
15-min toning and vocal work
1-hour song creation and production

BOOK a free introduction call now